Super Cash Bonanza is the Ohio State Council’s annual Charity Campaign. The income from the Charity Campaign provides a significant amount of funding for our many charitable donations that are given to our church, school systems and community projects. The campaign is funded through our ticket sales – so member knights are encouraged to help support their council and sell or purchase tickets.
There are over $108,000 worth of prizes to be awarded. The proceeds are used to help support:
- Diocesan Vocation Programs
- Diocesan Seminarians
- Our Veterans
- Diocesan Religious Education & Evangelization
- Catholic High School Education
- Diocesan And State Charities
- Our Priests And Bishops
This fundraiser also helps fund our Queen of Apostles council operations.
First turn in of sold tickets is March 25th 2024.
If you need more tickets contact Bob Eveleigh at .